is seeking certified and qualified DBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide concrete, masonry, metals, wood, plastics, and composites, thermal and moisture protection, openings, finishes, specialties, equipment, furnishings, conveying equipment, fire suppression, plumbing, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning HVAC, electrical, communications, electronic safety and security, earthwork, exterior improvements, and utilities
Kings County Area Regional Transit Facility
2366-01 Cl16
Kings County Area Public Transit Agency
200 East 7th Street, Hanford, CA, 93230
09-28-2023 at 02:00 PM
Renee Serrano
Not Available
929 L Street , Fresno, CA, 93721
Katch Environmental, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. If you are planning to bid this project, we encourage your participation and welcome your bid. All qualified bidders will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Plans and specifications are available through the link below. Assistance is available in obtaining bonding, insurance, or other technical information.