is seeking certified and qualified DBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide Surveying, Source Inspection/Materials Testing, Construction/Roadway/Structures Inspection, and Public Relations/Outreach
South Palm Canyon Drive Bridge Replacement at the Tahquitz Creek Channel Project
Federal Aid Project No. BRLS-5282(042), City Project No. 12-02
City of Palm Springs
South Palm Canyon Drive at Tahquitz Creek Channel, Palm Springs, CA, 92264
08-07-2024 at 03:00 PM
Katie Davis
Not Available
1401 Willow Pass Road Suite 500 , Concord, CA, 94520
Harris & Associates is requesting qualifications from qualified and certified DBE firms interested in providing services related to construction management for the City of Palm Springs South Palm Canyon Drive Bridge Replacement at the Tahquitz Creek Channel Project, Federal Aid Project No. BRLS-5282(042), City Project No. 12-02.
Scope of service items include but are not limited to: Surveying; Source Inspection/Materials Testing; Construction/Roadway/Structures Inspection; and Public Relations/Outreach. Note that the City currently utilizes a Community Workforce Agreement and some scope items may fall under this provision.
Interested firms should respond by July 26, 2024, to allow time for evaluation. RFP deadline is August 7, 2024.
Scope of work, as provided in the City’s RFP, is available online and upon request:
Interested firms may respond by submitting your statement of qualifications (include firm profile, relevant local experience, and resumes) and proof of DBE certification via email to
Upon request, Harris & Associates will assist in providing information regarding the consultant’s procurement of bonds, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, supplies, materials, or related assistance or services. This RFQ shall not obligate Harris & Associates to either contract with, or reimburse costs to, responses hereto.
Harris & Associates
1401 Willow Pass Road, Suite 500, Concord, CA 94520
Contact: Katie Davis
Phone: 925.586.2075
Equal Opportunity Employer