is seeking certified and qualified DVBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide Demolition, Abatement, Concrete, Masonry, Metals, Thermal band Moisture Protection, Openings, Glass, Glazing, Storefronts & Skylight, Lath & Plaster, Tiling, Exterior Painting, Signage, Specialties, Plumbing HVAC & Mechanical, Electrical & Communications, Earthwork, Patch Paving & Striping, Landscaping & Irrigation, Brick Unit Paving, Site Utilities, Specialty Signage, Metal Roof Panels, Coiling Counter Doors, Gypsum Board Assemblies, Site Furnishings, Decorative Fencing, Redwood Window Frame, SWPPP, Surveying
Mission Plaza Enhancements (Re-Bid)
City of San Luis Obispo
Mission Plaza, San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401
10-03-2024 at 11:00 AM
Brad Edwards
991 Bennett Avenue, Arroyo Grande, CA, 93420
Edwards Construction Group is currently pursuing the Mission Plaza Enhancements project for the City of San Luis Obispo.
In general, the project consists of demolition of the existing restroom building, trellis structure, and site improvements for the construction of a new restroom and kiosk building with adjacent plaza and patio.
Contract time is established as 180 working days.
Please review the plans and specifications via Procore and let us know if you are interested in sending us your bid for this project.
This is a PREVAILING WAGE project.
BID DATE - Please note that the listed due date and time is the time that all completed paperwork is due at the Bid Location. We request that all bids be sent to us no later than 2 hours before the time the bid is due to be considered.
Please call if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Jessica Gregory
Estimating Coordinator
Office: 805-335-1161
Direct: 805-699-6921
Fax: 805-614-9906