is seeking certified and qualified DBE, MBE, SBA 8(a), SBE, WBE and WOSB subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide 12 inch ductile iron pipe and related appurtenances, fill sand, aggregates, trucking, SWPPP Plan, BMP supplies, site video.
B Line Upper Edgar Transmission Pipeline Project
Not Available
Beaumont Cherry Valley Water District
East of Oak Glen Road, Cherry, CA, 92223
09-25-2024 at 03:00 PM
Tia Clark
P.O. Box 5399, Hemet , CA, 92544
This project is subject to the requirements of the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recover Act (SLFRF)
All subcontractors are required to be registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) prior to the bid closing date. Plans and Specifications are available at no charge. Request via e-mail:
If you need assistance with the requirements of the plans and specifications, or information regarding bonding, insurance or prevailing wage requirements, contact Tia Clark or message 951-317-4183.
Genesis Construction is an Equal Opportunity Employer. If you are planning to bid this project, we encourage your participation and welcome your bid.