is seeking certified and qualified DBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide sweeper, landscape, plants, irrigation, paint, stripe, striping, truck, dump, haul, loops, electrical, traffic signal
Woodruff Avenue Street Improvement Project, Phase 2
CIP 14-14B
City of Downey
Various locations, Downey, CA, 90241
10-31-2024 at 11:10 AM
Jason Roehrborn
(323) 527-8102
384 E. Live Oak Ave, Irwindale, CA, 91796
This project includes reconstruction of failed pavement areas, cold milling of asphalt pavement; construction of fiber-reinforced asphalt concrete (AC) base course and asphalt rubber hot mix (ARHM) overlay. Work also includes construction of raised center median islands, repair of uplifted, damaged or substandard concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk, drive approaches and curb ramps; installation of landscaping and irrigation in proposed center median islands and existing frontage road islands, adjustments of manhole and utility valve covers to the new grade, replacement of traffic striping, pavement markings and signing