is seeking certified and qualified DVBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide the following but not limited to: Construction Area Signs; Traffic Control System; Channelizer (Surface Mounted); Temporary Barrier System; Portable Changeable Message Sign; Temporary Crash Cushion TL-3; Job Site Management; Water Pollution Control Program; Temporary - Check Dam; Drainage Inlet Protection; Fiber Roll; Reinforced Silt Fence, Concrete Washout; Street Sweeping; Temporary Creek Diversion Systems; Invasive Species Control; Temporary Construction Mat; Clearing & Grubbing: Roadway Excavation; Roadside Clearing; Plant (Group H and Establishment Work); Temporary Irrigation System; Imported Topsoil; Dry Seed; Fiber Reinforced Matrix; Rolled Erosion Control Product; Fiber Rolls; Hydroseed; Compost; Incorporate Materials; Base Bond Breaker; Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A); Tack Coat; Structural - Concrete, Drainage Inlet; Bar Reinforcing Steel; Concrete Backfill - Pipe Trench; 78" Steel Spiral Rib Pipe (.109" Thick); Drainage Marker; Remove Culver, Inlet & Headwall; Cleaning & Inspecting Culvert; Misc Iron and Steel; Prepare and Stain Concrete; Reset Milepost Marker; Cable Railing; 6" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe; SWPPP; Trucking of materials, Mobilization and Demobilization of Equipment.
Construction on State Highway in Sonoma County Near Stewarts Point at 2.7 Miles South of Skaggs Springs Rd
State of California Department of Transportation
Hwy 1 PM 45.4, Sea Ranch, CA, 95412
02-11-2025 at 02:00 PM
Zach Rege
(707) 894-5143
(707) 894-5141
600 Santana Dr., Cloverdale, CA, 95425
WORK WILL BE BROKEN DOWN TO FEASIBLE UNITS. PLEASE SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR CURRENT DVBE CERTIFICATION WITH YOUR PROPOSAL. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Payment & Performance Bonds may be required. Upon request, we will assist with bonds, insurance and credit. Plans & specifications are available for viewing at our office. If your firm is currently certified as a DVBE firm with an agency acceptable to CALTRANS, please submit a copy of your current certification with your bid. All subcontractors must be registered with the DIR in order to work on a public project in the state of California. Please include your registration number along with your proposal.