is seeking certified and qualified MBE and WBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide AC Paving and Striping
2025 Pedestrian Mobility Sidewalk Project
C.I.P. No. 8290
City of Vista
Lado de Loma Drive from Eddie Drive to Guajome Street, Guajome Street from Lado de Loma Drive to Mercantile Street, Vista, CA, 92083
02-13-2025 at 02:00 PM
Blythe Campbell
(619) 449-4272
(619) 449-1930
9932 Prospect Avenue, Suite 138, Santee, CA, 92071
SCOPE OF WORK: The Work generally consists of: stormwater pollution prevention and erosion control, demolition and removal/disposal, traffic control and construction staging, clearing and grubbing, site grading and subgrade preparation, aggregate base, PCC curb & gutter, PCC curb ramps and spandrel, PCC driveway, PCC sidewalk, asphalt concrete paving for street structural section repair, signing and striping, pervious concrete water quality infiltration strip, ADA ramps and adjustments of existing utilities to final grade, utility coordination, signing, restriping and other related work. The project improvements are shown on the plans D-4717, LD24-046 included in the bid package.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and intend to seriously negotiate with certified and qualified DVBE,DBE,MBE,WBE,SBE,SLBE,ELBE
subcontractors and/or suppliers for project participation.
Plans & Specifications are available for viewing on our website under Bidding Projects and at our office for no cost.
Link to Project:
Subcontractors will be required to enter into our standard contract. No modifications to the contract are permitted. All subcontractors/vendors awarded work on this project must be prepared to furnish subcontract performance and payment bonds, for the amount of the subcontract bid, issued by an admitted corporate surety acceptable to our company.
We will require that all participating companies carry Workers' Compensation & Liability Insurance and be bonded. If you are in need of assistance regarding bonding, insurance or credit lines, please contact Blythe at 619.449.4272 so we may assist you.
Assistance is available to interested subcontractors in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies or materials, please contact Blythe at 619.449.4272.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.