is seeking certified and qualified DBE, MBE and WBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide quotes for the following: Lead compliance plan, Develop water supply, Construction area signs, Traffic control system, Temporary pavement marking (paint), Channelizer (surface mounted), Portable signal systems (ea), Portable radar speed feedback sign system, Temporary barrier system, Portable changeable message sign (ls), Temporary crash cushion tl-3, Water pollution control program, Temporary drainage inlet protection, Temporary fiber roll, Temporary reinforced silt fence, Street sweeping, Temporary concrete washout, Remove yellow painted traffic stripe (hazardous waste), Noise monitoring, Clearing and grubbing (ls), Roadway excavation, Roadway excavation (topsoil), (f) - structure excavation (soil nail wall), (f) - structure backfill (soil nail wall), Ditch excavation, Soil decompaction, Wood mulch, Move-in/move-out (erosion control), Duff (sqft), Fiber reinforced matrix (sqft), Rolled erosion control product (netting), Fiber rolls, Hydroseed, Compost (cy), Incorporate materials, Permanent erosion control establishment work, Class 2 aggregate base (cy), Hot mix asphalt (type a), Tack coat, Cold plane asphalt concrete pavement, Soil nail, (f) - structural concrete, drainage inlet, (f) - bar reinforcing steel (soil nail wall), Sculpted shotcrete, (f) - structural shotcrete, 18" plastic pipe, 18" corrugated steel pipe (.079" thick), 24" corrugated steel pipe (.079" thick), Furnish and install drain pipe (horizontal drain), Drill hole (horizontal drain), 18" corrugated steel pipe downdrain (.079" thick), Cable anchorage system, Remove culvert (lf), Remove downdrain (ea), Remove inlet, Rock slope protection (150 lb, class iii, method b) (cy), (f) - miscellaneous iron and steel, (f) - miscellaneous metal, Miscellaneous metal (safety hookup), Prepare and stain shotcrete, Stain galvanized surfaces (ls), Remove pavement marker, Guard railing delineator, Treatment best management practice marker, Object marker (type p), Midwest guardrail system (wood post), Vegetation control (minor concrete), Transition railing (type agt), End cap (type tc-m), End anchor assembly (type sft-m), Alternative in-line terminal tl-3, Buried post end anchor (type b-f), Alternative crash cushion tl-3, Concrete barrier (type 60m), Concrete barrier (type 60mc), Concrete barrier (type 60md), (f) - concrete barrier transition, Thermoplastic traffic stripe (enhanced wet night visibility), Remove thermoplastic traffic stripe, Misc. materials, Trucking, Placement
Repair Slide Slope and Construct Soil Nail Wall
Hwy 116 PM 9.6, Monte Rio, CA, 95462
03-25-2025 at 02:00 PM
Zach Rege
(707) 894-5143
(707) 894-5141
600 Santana Dr., Cloverdale, CA, 95425
Please submit quotes no later than March 25, 2025, at 11 am PST. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Payment & Performance Bonds may be required. Upon request, we will assist with bonds, insurance and credit. Plans & specifications are available for viewing at our office. Your firm must be currently certified as a DBE, WBE or UDBE firm with an agency acceptable to Caltrans. Please submit a copy of your current certification with your bid. All subcontractors must be registered with the DIR to work on a public project in the state of California. Please include your registration number along with your proposal. please include your California contractor’s license number and expiration date with your proposal. Work will be broken down into feasible units. Please provide a copy of your DOORS certification with your proposal.