is seeking certified and qualified DBE, DVBE, LGBTBE, Los Angeles County CBE, Los Angeles County LSBE, MBE, SBE and WBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide for SUB-BIDS ON, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Demolition, Asbestos & Lead Abatement, Painting & Coatings, Metal Piping, Pumps, Equipment, Structural Steel, Misc. Metals, Grating, Electrical, Instrumentation and Construction Materials.
Naples Island Pump Stations Rehabilitation - Phase II
Los Angeles County Public Works
5401 East 2nd Street, Long Beach, CA, 90803
03-25-2025 at 11:00 AM
Anton Brkic
REQUESTING CERTIFIED CBE participation (Local Businesses, Small Business Enterprise, Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise, Minority Business Enterprise, Women Business Enterprise, LGBTQQ Business Enterprise) for SUB-BIDS ON, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Demolition, Asbestos & Lead Abatement, Painting & Coatings, Metal Piping, Pumps, Equipment, Structural Steel, Misc. Metals, Grating, Electrical, Instrumentation and Construction Materials.
Requesting bid submissions for the Naples Island Pump Stations Rehabilitation - Phase II. The work consists of but not limited to upgrades to the major mechanical equipment, electrical equipment, and other appurtenances of the pump station. The mechanical scope involves replacement of main pumps, motors, and pipes. The electrical scope involves replacement of motor control center, pump station lighting system, as well as other electrical components. The structural scope involves modification of existing sump pump floor openings, replacement of existing catwalk in sump pump and installation of new catwalk around all five pumps in the sump area.
Please provide your proposal at least 24 hours prior to the bid due date and time. All subcontracts will be subject to the terms and conditions of the project specifications. Mike Bubalo Construction is signatory to Union agreements. Any non-signatory subcontractors will be required to sign an agreement for trades covered under our agreements. This project is subject to the hiring requirements of the Los Angeles Countywide Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) which includes a Local and Targeted Worker Hire Program. Mike Bubalo Const., requires that any potential subcontractor be prepared to provide a 100% Payment and Performance Bond from a US Treasury listed Surety Company. Mike Bubalo Const., will reimburse Subcontractors for the required bond premium, so please provide your bond rate at time of bid. The decision to bond any or all subcontractors shall be at the sole discretion of Mike Bubalo Construction, unless the specific project contract documents have other requirements. All subcontractors must be registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations as required by Public Contract Code Section 1725.5 in order to be considered for this bid and must submit with the bid, a signed certification verifying that the Subcontractor is registered with the DIR. This project is subject to State and Federal Funding regulations and requirements. Plans and Specs are available for viewing, by appointment, at our office or are also available by requesting the files from
If you are planning to bid this project, we encourage your participation and welcome your bid. All qualified bidders will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Subcontractors are encouraged to contact our office for insurance requirements, plan information, or if any other assistance is needed. Payment & Performance Bonds may be required & bonding assistance is available. The Contractor Development and Bonding Program (CDABP) is administered by the Chief Executive Office of the County of Los Angeles for all County Construction Contracting Departments. The CDABP provides a broad range of contractor technical assistance, training, and support in qualifying for bonds, as well as contract financing for County awarded contracts. The CDABP assistance is available to subcontractors. The CDABP is a County funded resource designed to reduce the barriers to small and diverse firms seeking to bid and contract on County projects. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Mike Bubalo Construction Co., Inc., (CSLB#771279) intends to seriously negotiate with qualified CBE firms for project participation. Assistance will be provided in obtaining bonds, lines of credit and/or insurance. Subcontractor and Supplier price quotes should be provided within a reasonable time frame prior to the bid deadline to enable a complete evaluation. Please submit project mandated bid information to our office as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the bid submission deadline.
The Bidder’s package of the Contract Documents may be downloaded for free at the Los Angeles County Public Works’ Business Opportunities website, as follows:
Addenda are also posted on the Business Opportunities website.
The Contract is subject to the requirements of the Contractor Employee Jury Service Ordinance (“Jury Service Program”) (Los Angeles County Code, Chapter 2.203). The Jury Service Program applies to subcontractors.