is seeking certified and qualified DBE, DVBE, Los Angeles County CBE, Los Angeles County LSBE, MBE, SBE and WBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide Demolition, Misc. Metals, Structural Steel, FRP, Pumps, Piping, Electrical, Instrumentation, Landscaping, Traffic Control, Concrete, Rebar, Coatings etc.
Naples Island Pump Stations Rehabilitation - Ph 2
County of Los Angeles Public Works
2 Cordova Walk, Long Beach, CA, 90803
04-08-2025 at 11:00 AM
Udit Tambe
9495154350 x21
2610 Avon Street, Newport Beach, CA, 92663
Scope: Pump Station rehabilitation for mechanical, electrical, and civil upgrades. Scope includes but not limited to installation of new Southern California Edison electrical services, replacement of main submersible pumps, sump pumps, and discharge pipes and the performance of electrical, mechanical, pump station building improvements and other appurtenant work at both the Cordova Walk and Naples Street pump stations.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. If you are planning to bid this project, we encourage your participation and welcome your bid. All qualified bidders will receive consideration without regards to race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
Plans & specs are available online using the link below.
Plans & specs are available to view in our office.
Assistance is available in obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance or other technical information. Please contact Udit Tambe for any further assistance.