is seeking certified and qualified DVBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide Concrete Flatwork, Concrete Curb & Gutter, Concrete Low-Curb, Concrete V- Gutter, Rebar, Fine Grading, Joint Seal, Concrete Supplier, Rebar Supplier
PBVUSD-Earl Warren JHS Modernization
Panama-Buena Vista Union School District
4615 Mountain Vista Dr., Bakersfield, CA, 93311
03-25-2025 at 02:00 PM
Jason Plank
34762 Lencioni Avenue , Bakersfield, CA, 93308
PO BOX # 81737
OFFICE: (661) 399-3759
FAX: (661) 399-3812
Cen-Cal Construction is actively soliciting bids from prospective subcontractors or material suppliers whose businesses are California State Certified DVBE Contractors or Suppliers. Bids from prospective subcontractors or material suppliers are sought in connection with the Project Named:
PBVUSD-Earl Warren Junior High School Modernization
To be located in Panama-Buena Vista Union School District and funded in whole or part by public funds.
Bid Date: March 25, 2025 @ 2:00 PM
Interested certified firms may contact Jason Plank @ (661) 399-3759 or by email at until 5:00 PM on March 24, 2025.
** 3/24/2025 5PM Due Date for Bids Strictly Enforced to Ensure Time to Finish Bid Paperwork on Day of Bid**
Bid documents and addendums can be obtained from:
Fresno Reprographics Online Plan Room under Public Jobs:
*Prospective bidders are encouraged to view the project site and required to perform their own due diligence prior to submitting a bid. *
We are an equal opportunity employer and will consider all bids submitted. Subcontractors are required to hold a valid contractors license as well as current Liability, Commercial Auto & Workers Compensation Insurance with applicable limits to meet the contract documents for said project. We encourage DVBE certified firms to contact Cen-Cal Construction to learn what assistance we can provide to you such as: lines of credit, insurance, bonds, equipment, supplies, materials, discounts, plans and specifications, technical assistance and services, and other related services. Subcontractor and Trucking quotes/bids must be valid at minimum for the entire duration of the project stated in the contract documents. Subcontractor and Supplier bids are required by 5:00 PM March 24, 2025.
Bids for the followings Items are being requested:
** Also requesting Concrete Supplier and Rebar Supplier Quotes**