is seeking certified and qualified SBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide Granite Construction Company (Granite) is requesting quotes on this project from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified SBE firms for any portion of the work, but specifically the following suggested items: Environmental plans and compliance measures; Quality Control/Testing; Clearing & Grubbin; Water Control; Stream Diversion; Survey; Video; Noise and Vibration Monitoring; Concrete removals; Sawcutting; Concrete Repairs; Joint Seal; Structural Steel; Hauling of construction materials and Hauling of export from the site. Please contact our office if there are additional items, or portions of items, your firm is interested in bidding. Granite Construction will break down items of work to facilitate SBE participation on this project. All non-SBE subcontractors are also encouraged to utilize SBE suppliers for their work, where possible.
Permanente & Hale Creeks Concrete Channel Repair, Mt. View/Los Altos
Santa Clara Valley Water District
Permanente Creek and Hale Creek Channel, Mountain View and Los Altos (Santa Clara County), CA, 94035
03-26-2025 at 02:00 PM
Patricia Arnett
715 Comstock Street, Santa Clara, CA, 95054
If you have any technical project questions, please contact Granite's ESTIMATOR:
Fred Ackerman
(408) 327-7053 –
SEND QUOTES to: or fax (408) 327-7090 by or before 12:00 pm on bid day.
Plans and Specifications can be downloaded from our Pipeline Suite planroom linked below:
Granite intends to work cooperatively with all qualified SBE firms seeking work on this project.
Granite is an equal opportunity employer.
Granite Construction Company is signatory to Operating Engineers, Laborers, Teamsters, Cement Masons and Carpenters unions.
100% performance and payment bonds may be required for the full amount of subcontract price. Granite Construction will assist with bonding costs for subcontractors. The US Small Business Administration may also assist you in obtaining bonding - please see the following site for information:
Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license and current DIR number. All quotes are subject to the terms of Granite Construction Company’s applicable standard form agreement which is available through the following link: