Trade Journal

Cen-Cal Construction

is seeking certified and qualified DBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide Mobilization, Demobilization, Demo, Water Pollution Prevention, Dust control, Traffic Control, Portable Changeable Message Signs, PCMS, Construction Notification Signs, Clearing and Grubbing, Storm Drain, Sanitary Sewer, Milling, Asphalt Removal, Cold Mill, Proof Roll, Concrete Removal, Asphalt, Sawcut, Curb and Gutter Removal, Hot Mix Asphalt, Concrete Install, Manhole, Minor Concrete, Curb Ramp, Curb and Gutter, Detectable Surface, Sidewalk, Traffic Signal Video Detection System, Traffic Signal Modification, Survey Monuments, Thermoplastic Striping Marking Pavement, Painted Striping, Marking Paint, Signs, Raised Pavement Markers, Single Meter Pedestal, Modular Curb, Concrete Supplier, Asphalt Supplier, Trucking, Electrical Supplier


Tulare Ave Major Street Rehabilitation Demaree to Cotta




City of Visalia


W Tulare Ave 93277, Visalia, CA, 93277


04-01-2025 at 02:00 PM


Jason Plank






34762 Lencioni Avenue , Bakersfield, CA, 93308


A yellow and silver logo

Description automatically generated34762 LENCIONI AVENUE


OFFICE: (661) 399-3759

FAX: (661) 399-3812





Cen-Cal Construction is actively soliciting bids from prospective subcontractors or material suppliers whose businesses are California State Certified DBE Contractors or Suppliers.  Bids from prospective subcontractors or material suppliers are sought in connection with the Project Named: 

Tulare Avenue Major Street Rehabilitation (Demaree to Cotta)

To be located in Tulare County and funded in whole or part by federal funds.

Bid Date: April 1, 2025 @ 2:00 PM

Interested certified firms may contact Jason Plank @ (661) 399-3759 or by email at until 5:00 PM on March 31, 2025.


Bid documents and addendums can be obtained from:

The office of the Purchasing Division, 707 W. Acequia Visalia, CA 93291,

by telephone (559)713-4334, or by email:


*Prospective bidders are encouraged to view the project site and required to perform their own due diligence prior to submitting a bid. *


We are an equal opportunity employer and will consider all bids submitted. Subcontractors are required to hold a valid contractor’s license as well as current Liability, Commercial Auto & Workers Compensation Insurance with applicable limits to meet the contract documents for said project. We encourage DBE certified firms to contact Cen-Cal Construction to learn what assistance we can provide to you such as: lines of credit, insurance, bonds, equipment, supplies, materials, discounts, plans and specifications, technical assistance and services, and other related services. Subcontractor and Trucking quotes/bids must be valid at minimum for the entire duration of the project stated in the contract documents.   Subcontractor and Supplier bids are required by 5:00 PM March 31, 2025.


Bids for the followings Items are being requested:



Item 1-Mobilization

Item 2-Water Pollution Prevention                                                           

Item 3- Dust Control                                                     

Item 4- Traffic Control

Item 5- Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS)

Item 6- Construction Notification Signs

Item 7- Public Outreach 

Item 8- Clearing and Grubbing

Item 9- Lower Exist. Manhole Below Milling Depth (Storm Drain& Sanitary Sewer)

Item 10- Cold Mill to Remove Asphalt Concrete (3”)

Item 11- Cold Mill to Remove Asphalt Concrete & Aggerate Base 6” Below 3” Mill

Item 12- Proof Roll

Item 13- Additional Class 2 AB (If required, 5% assumed. Dig outs & Intersections)

Item 14- Sawcut & Remove Existing Asphalt Pavement(F)

Item 15- Concrete Removal 

Item 16- Concrete Removal at County Center

Item 17- Concrete Removal at Mountain                                                

Item 18- Concrete Removal at Woodland

Item 19- Concrete Removal at Central

Item 20- Concrete Removal at Fairway

Item 21- Concrete Removal at Divisadero

Item 22- Concrete Removal at Dollner

Item 23- Concrete Removal at Sowell

Item 24- Concrete Removal at Conyer

Item 25- Concrete Removal at Grant

Item 26- Concrete Removal at Watson

Item 27- Concrete Removal at Court

Item 28- Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A, ¾”)

Item 29- Adjust Manhole to Finish Grade with PCC Collar

Item 30- Concrete Install (Curb & Gutter, and adjoining sidewalks)

Item 31- Concrete Install at County Center

Item 32- Concrete Install at Mountain

Item 33- Concrete Install at Woodland

Item 34- Concrete Install at Central

Item 35- Concrete Install at Fairway

Item 36- Concrete Install at Divisadero 

Item 37- Concrete Install at Dollner

Item 38- Concrete Install at Sowell

Item 39- Concrete Install at Conyer

Item 40- Concrete Install at Grant

Item 41- Concrete Install at Watson

Item 42- Concrete Install at Court

Item 43- Traffic Signal Video Detection at County Center

Item 44- Traffic Signal Modification at County Center

Item 45- Traffic Signal Video Detection at Woodland

Item 46- Traffic Signal Modification at Woodland

Item 47- Traffic Signal Video Detection at Divisadero

Item 48- Traffic Signal Modification at Divisadero 

Item 49- Traffic Signal Video Detection at Giddings

Item 50- Traffic Signal Modification at Giddings

Item 51- Traffic Signal Video Detection at Conyer

Item 52- Traffic Signal Modification at Conyer

Item 53-Traffic Signal Video Detection at Watson

Item 54- Traffic Signal Modification at Watson

Item 55- Traffic Signal Video Detection at Court

Item 56- Traffic Signal Modification at Court

Item 57- Survey Monuments

Item 58- Thermoplastic Striping & Marking Pavement

Item 59- Painted Striping Pavements

Item 60- Signs

Item 61- Raised Pavement Markers

Item 62-Green Paint

Item 63- Single Meter Pedestal 



Item 64-Modular Curb


** Also requesting All Supplier Quotes**

** All Items can be broken down by supplier and install**


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