Trade Journal

McGuire and Hester

is seeking certified and qualified SBE subcontractors and/or suppliers to provide SWPPP, Crack fill, Striping, Electrical Trucking, Water Trucks, FDR, Prime/Tack Coat and Concrete


Reconstruct Ramp 4 Taxilanes, Crack Repair Ramp 4 Taxilanes, Reconstruct Ramp 4 Access Road, Nevada County Airport


AIP NO. 3-06-0095-__-2025


Nevada County


13083 John Bauer Avenue, Grass Valley, CA, 95945


04-11-2025 at 02:00 PM


Mabel Cater






1016 North Market Blvd., Suite 20, Sacramento, CA, 95834


Regarding any Import Trucking: Furnish trucking for the import of all aggregate materials required for the project.  Award of this work will be given to the trucker who provides the most economical haul rates for the required work.  Tonnage rates must be quoted for all aggregate products in end dumps, super dumps, transfers, double bottoms, and single bottoms.

Please contact our estimating department to obtain a copy of our bid schedule or amounts necessary to help you with your bid.  Your quotes must be submitted in writing to this firm at least 2 hours before the time scheduled for bid opening so that all quotes may be evaluated equally.  Also, it is important that you forward a copy of your current SBE  certification with agencies and expiration date along with your bid if applicable.  This information must be submitted with your bid.

When McGuire and Hester is awarded a project, and we list your firm as one of our subcontractors, McGuire and Hester may require that you furnish Performance, Labor and Materials and/or Payment bonds.  We will pay up to and including two percent (2%) of your bonding cost.  We will also insist that your firm abide by the insurance requirements as stated within the General Contract and Subcontract and promptly provide certificates of insurance for general liability, automotive, and workers compensation.  In some instances, naming an additional insured will be required along with a waiver of subrogation.  Special insurance requirements will affect your rates.  Be sure that you understand the insurance requirements prior to submitting your bid.  Our staff is available at (916) 372-8910 to answer your questions.

Plans and specifications are available from the owner and are located in our Plan Room on our website at for your convenience. You may also review them in our office between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, or other arrangements may be made with our estimating department in order to address your special requirements.  McGuire and Hester’s Standard Subcontract and Purchase Order Agreements, one of which you will be required to execute, are also available for review on our website.

Should you have any questions or need assistance relative to the bid package, cost estimates, sub-bid requirements, or bonding requirements, please contact our Estimator, Mark Hamilton, at

If you are interested in bidding on this project, please call us at (916) 372-8910, FAX us your quote at (510) 296-8351 or send it to  Also please correct us if our information on you is in error or incomplete.

McGuire and Hester is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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