Notice of Bid Invitation
CDBG – ACF Burbank Youth Center Solar Project located at 75 E. Santa Anita Ave, Burbank, CA 91502. The ACF Burbank Youth Center Solar Project includes installation of photovoltaic solar system and roofing on the existing Youth Center Building roof located at 75 E. Santa Anita Ave. in Burbank CA. This is a CDBG Federally funded prevailing wage project. Good faith effort solicitation for MBE, WBE, DBE, and DVBE is required. Work includes, but not limited to, installing a installing a 50 kW solar system with 91 roof-mounted panels, integrating all necessary electrical components to offset facility power use and feed excess to the grid. Project includes permitting by the City of Burbank Department of Water and Power, a power purchase agreement, and 6,000 sq. ft. of TPO roof replacement for moisture protection. A MANDATORY pre-bid conference and job walk will be held May 7, 2025, beginning at 11:00 am at ACF Burbank Youth Center located at 75 E. Santa Anita Ave., Burbank CA 91502 on this date and time. Failure to attend the pre-bid conference will disqualify your bid. Bid documents will be available at the pre-bid conference. PROPOSAL FOR CDBG – ACF Burbank Youth Center Renovation Project are due at 3:00 P.M., May 14, 2025, at which time they will be publicly opened, and the results read out loud. For additional information email Sam at